
February 06th, 2016

By November 19, 2019 No Comments

Every once in awhile you are reminded of why you choose to do the things that you do. Yes we work to make money to take care of our families and those reasons go without saying…. But it’s those times that you realize how lucky you are to be doing what you are truly called to do. I received this just the other day following an event I keynoted for the COX Communication Event in Gainesville Fl. Now you know why I love my job.

“First, you need to know where my head was that day. On November 30th, my family suffered a great loss. My 21 year old nephew died tragically after accidentally mixing medications. His little brother and sister found him. He was in a great place in his young life. It’s been horrific on so many levels. I only share this with you to understand my state of mind that day. As you know Cox was sending a very strong “2B” message. I just assumed our keynote speaker would be all about “work harder, sell more, close faster”. After almost 2 months of grieving silently (very few people at work new what had happened), I was feeling very….negative for lack of a better word. Then you walked on stage…I was expecting someone to be overly energized telling me to “Sell more! Do more! Faster! Smarter! Let’s proclaim it!” It was soooo refreshing to hear you speak from the heart. About life, with such integrity and sincerity. About our free will that God gave us to make our own decisions with what life throws at us. About the fact that everyone has struggles (some more terrifying than others) and it’s how we choose to face them is our journey. Our lives are bigger than our quotas but the challenges can be tackled the same way, and when put under the perspective of dealing with what life throws at us, quota is a cakewalk in comparison.

I went into the Vice President of Cox Business’ office a few days after our kickoff to thank him for choosing you. You helped me breathe. You helped me remember things I already know but needed to hear. As I told the VP, and again in an email to our Marketing Director, you helped me feel focused and re-energized. EXACTLY what I needed.”


Author devadminus

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